The dissemination actions are listed in chronological order.
International Conference on Nanotechnologies & Bionanoscience
The NeuroStimSpinal project made a notable contribution at the 2nd NanoBio International Conference on Nanotechnologies & Bionanoscience in September 2023 (Sep 11-15). The project was represented through two presentations by Dr Lina Papadimitriou and Master student Kyriaki Stampouli, both from IESL-FORTH, Greece.
Adipose-derived extracellular matrix foams with integrated reduced graphene oxide as implantable scaffolds for neural regeneration
Papadimitriou Lina1*, Paula Marques2 , Beatriz Olalde3 , Emmanuel Stratakis1 and Anthi Ranella1
1 Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Greece
2TEMA - Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
3TECNALIA, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), E20009 Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Study of in vitro differentiation of NE-4C cells encapsulated in 3D adipose tissue derived-ECM hydrogels
Kyriaki Stampouli1*, Lina Papadimitriou1 and Andrea García-Lizarribar2 , Beatriz Olalde2 , Anthi Ranella1
1 Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Greece
2TECNALIA, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), E20009 Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
26-28 April 2023, Paula Marques attended the Division II Symposium of the Graphene Flagship at the Accademia del Licei, Palazzo Corsini, in Rome, Italy.
She was invited as the Keynote Speaker and presented an overview of her work on graphene-based materials, with a particular emphasis on the NeuroStimSpinal project. The title of the presentation was: : Graphene-based materials: the key to shorten the path toward spinal cord regeneration?
On January 17, 2023, the NeuroStimSpinal Consortium held its annual conference at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen. It was a pleasure to return to presential meetings and discuss the status of the project. Our ethical board members joined us via Zoom for an insightful conversation on both scientific and ethical topics. Thank you very much to the Radboud team for organising such a fantastic meeting and for your friendly hospitality.
Paula Marques attended the EIC summit22 (on 7-8 December 2022 in Brussels). Two days of motivation from the best.
She was invited to speak about NeuroStimSpinal at Enric Claverol's "Building Synergies Across Medtech Projects" session.
It was a pleasure to finally meet the project officer, Barbara Gerratana.
NeuroStimSpinal was well-represented at BMW Welt's, Graphene Week 2022. Munich, Germany.
Paula Marques, the project's PI, was invited to speak at the Partnering session. Her presentation was titled: Graphene-based materials support the engineering of nerve tissue.
Bruno Figueiredo, Nathalie Barroca, and André Girão attended the conference with four distinct posters.
A multiwell 3-dimensional graphene-multielectrode array (MEA) in vitro test platform
Figueiredo, BRUNO (Graphenest)
Interfacing reduced graphene oxide with a decellularized extracellular matrix as a regulating milieu for spinal cord injury repair
Effects of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nanostructures on the expression of VEGFR2 in endothelial progenitor cells
A graphene-based scaffold with a biomimetic architecture to bridge the injured spinal cord
NeuroStimSpinal was very well represented at the ESB 2022 in Bordeaux:
-Co-encapsulation of Macrophages with Candida albicans in Porcine Decellularized Adipose Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels
Diez-Orejas ROSALÍA, (UCM)
-Porcine Decellularized Adipose Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels Modulate Proliferation and Pro-inflammatory Response of Encapsulated Macrophages
Cicuéndez MÓNICA (UCM)
-Effects of Porcine Decellularized Adipose Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels on Encapsulated Liver, Lung and Kidney Cells
-Porcine decellularized adipose matrix-based bioinks to fabricate 3D-printed models of the central nervous system
You may view the video of the first NeuroStimSpinal workshop by clicking on the following link:
On the 29th Spetember 2021, the NeuroStimSpinal (NSS) consortium presents an online workshop within the framework of their European Project (No 829060), which is developing stimulus-responsive scaffolds to repair the spinal cord injury. The proposed innovative scaffold includes graphene-based materials (GBM) combined with human adipose derived decellularized tissue (adECM) and further coupled with an electrical stimulation aiming to solve lesions from the contusion to more severe ones (transection).
This online free workshop offers several talks from invited speakers (scientists and clinicians) across transdisciplinary areas such as neurophysiology, tissue engineering and cell biology, materials engineering as well as an updated view on clinical management of the SCI.
Also, members from the NSS project, i.e. University of Aveiro (Portugal), Tecnalia and UCM (Spain), FORTH (Greece), Radboudumc (Netherlands) and the industrial partners Stemmatters and Graphenest (Portugal), will be presenting their recent results on the use of GBM, adECM and gellan gum for the repair of spinal cord injury.
To register (free) please follow the link:
You are all welcome!
Paula Marques
(Project coordinator)
Daniela Silva, a PhD student working on the NeuroStimSpinal project under the guidance of Nathalie Barroca and Paula Marques from UAVR, along with Anthi Ranella from FORTH, gave an oral presentation at the ESB 2021.
Daniela, congratulations!
The NeuroStimSpinal project was presented at the SPIE conference "Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization, and Imaging of Biomaterials," which was held on the 21st and 24th of June 2021 as part of the symposium SPIE Optical Metrology 2021. (Remote mode).
Paula Marques was an invited keynote lecture at the Special Session: FET-Open on Disruptive Ideas and Optical Technologies for Health Session, which was one of the featured live events during the conference week.
In this session, Ioannis Fiamegkos, Project Adviser from the European Commission's Research Executive Agency, presented the EIC Pathfinder Challenges in the context of Horizon Europe.
NeuroStimSpinal on the radio
10 June 2021
The Portuguese radio station Antena 1 interviewed the NeuroStimSpinal coordinator, Paula Marques, about the NeuroStimSpinal project objectives. in the scope of the podcast program "90 seconds with science".
Poster award ENABLE for Kest Verstappen (a PhD student from the NeuroStimSpinal project at Radboudmuc University).
Kest Verstappen (Dentistry / Regenerative Biomaterials) participated in the European Academy for Biomedical Sciences (ENABLE) conference, taking place from 12-14 May, aimed at excellent European PhD students and postdocs. ENABLE is a network of European top-institutes, including the RIMLS in Nijmegen, and is supported by the EU Horizon2020 programme. ENABLE aims to involve young scientists in opening the academic world from within by promoting crosstalk between biomedical disciplines, collaboration with industry, and engagement with society. Kest won the prize for best poster and poster presentation entitled "Graphene-based biomaterials as potential inhibitors of astrogliosis". ENABLE 2021 took place in Milan, albeit this year of course only virtually. Congratulations!
Paula Marques participated in this year's edition (2021) of Pint of Science Portugal having presented the project NeuroStimSpinal.
Pint of Science (https://pintofscience.com/ ) brings scientists to share their latest research with the general public.
2nd Aveiro-Osaka Universities joint symposium on advanced biomaterials and cell-based bioengeneering strategies - March 17, 2021
This event was endorsed by the FET-OPEN project NeuroStimSpinal, and supported by the bilateral project “Development of Compartmentalization Technology by Artificial Basement Membrane for Construction of Ordered 3D-Tissues” financed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Daniela Silva, PhD student of the NeuroStimSpinal project, presented a talk: "Scaffolds based on decellularized extracellular matrix and graphene oxide: a route to repair the spinal cord injury?"
NeuroStimSpinal on the radio
2 January 2020
The Spanish radio stations Onda Vasca and Bizkai Irratia broadcast interviews with the two researchers from TECNALIA, Olatz Murua and Nerea García, about the NeuroStimSpinal project to their audiences in Northern Spain.
NeuroStimSpinal in the newspapers
29 December 2019
NeuroStimSpinal takes the attention of several newspapers in the Basque Country (Spain). The project was communicated in El Diario Vasco and El Correo newspapers.
Aveiro-Osaka Universities joint symposium on advanced biomaterials and cell-based bioengeneering strategies - October 31, University of Aveiro- Portugal
This international workshop comprised presentations from researchers affiliated at both University of Aveiro and University of Osaka, focusing aspects related with biomaterials, human cells engineering and nano/micro technologies for advanced therapies, including regenerative medicine and drug discovery.
This event was endorsed by the FET-OPEN project NeuroStimSpinal, and supported by the bilateral project “Development of Compartmentalization Technology by Artificial Basement Membrane for Construction of Ordered 3D-Tissues” financed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science..
NeuroStimSpinal 6 months follow-up meeting
1-2 October 2019 in San Sebastian - Spain
The meeting was held at the premises of Tecnalia, one of the spanish partners, where the progresses and strategies to implement were presented.
NeuroStimSpinal at the European Researchers' Night
27 September 2019 in Madrid - Spain
María Teresa Portolés and her group from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid presented a poster of the NeuroStimSpinal project within the exhibition "Meet the current scientific challenges“.
NeuroStimSpinal Kick-off meeting
15 -16 April 2019 in Aveiro - Portugal
The coordinating institution; Aveiro University hosted the kick-off meeting, that gathered more than 20 consortium members.
NeuroStimSpinal in UAveiro Research Newsletter
10 October 2018
Researcher Paula Marques from TEMA – Department of Mechanical Engineering (University of Aveiro) was awarded a FET-OPEN research project (with a funding of ca 3.5 M€) to develop work on the regeneration of spinal cord injury and coordinate a consortium of seven partners from four European countries: Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and Greece.