Sincere appreciation to the speakers (Abhay Pandit, James Phillips, Kostas Kostarelos, Teresa Portoles, Alexey Klymov, Concepción Serrano, Nathalie Barroca, Bruno Reis Figueiredo, Patrícia Martins, Alberto Fernandes, Papadimitriou Lina, @Andrea Alicia, Rui A. Sousa) who made the final workshop of the NeuroStimSpinal project such a success. Thank you to the numerous attendees of this event. Thank you to my girls (they know who they are) for handling all the logistics. Finally, I would like to thank the entire consortium that helped implement this project. (Paula Marques, project coordinator)
This article has been published:
Please find below the social media posts:
April 21-22, 2022
It was nice to return to in presence meetings and present Partening Project "NeuroStimSpinal" objectives at the Graphene Flagship's Annual Meeting. The NeuroStimSpinal Consortium appreciates the invitation!
Dublin, Ireland
Promoting neural regeneration with graphene-enriched scaffolds
NeuroStimSpinal combines materials science, electrical engineering, bioengineering and biomedicine to accelerate spinal cord injury repair
NeuroStimSpinal has been accepted as a Partner Project (PP) of the Graphene Flaship CP3.
A PP is a research or innovation project whose objectives are relevant to the Graphene Flagship.
The aim is to provide flexible and efficient mechanisms to perform research and innovation activities that will be in line with the overall objectives of the Graphene Flagship initiative and be of mutual benefit to all parties of the PP and of the CP3.
#NeuroStimSpinal #GrapheneFlagship #h2020 #FET #UniversityofAveiro #Graphenest #FORTH #UCM #Tecnalia #Stemmatters #radboudumc